My USB Keyboard Not Working But Mouse Does – Here’s How I Fixed It

The other day I ran into a frustrating issue – my USB keyboard suddenly stopped working, but my USB mouse continued to work normally. I rely on my keyboard for everything I do on my computer, so having it go dead was a big problem. After some troubleshooting, I was able to get my keyboard working again. Here’s how I fixed it when my USB keyboard stopped working but my mouse still worked.

Simply put, first try System Restore and uninstalling recent Windows Updates. Run the built-in Hardware and Keyboard troubleshooters. Test with the on-screen keyboard to isolate software vs hardware issues. Attempt resetting the keyboard connection, using different USB ports, and testing with another keyboard. If the problem persists, update, rollback, or reinstall the keyboard driver in Device Manager.

This is just the trailer. Keep reading to get the whole movie. So, without any further ado, let’s get started!

usb keyboard not working but mouse does
usb keyboard

First Steps – System Restore and Windows Updates

As recommended by Microsoft, my first step was to try using System Restore to revert to a point before the problem started. System Restore allows you to reverse changes to system files without losing personal data. I went to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and selected a restore point from before my keyboard issue began.

After the restore, my keyboard still didn’t work, so I undid the System Restore. Next, I checked my Windows Update history at Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update to see if any recent updates lined up with when the problem began. I uninstalled some likely culprit updates and restarted, but still no luck.

To prevent problematic updates from reinstalling, I installed the Windows Update Hide Tool recommended by Microsoft. This allows you to hide specific updates you don’t want installed. I hid the updates I suspected were causing problems.

Running Hardware and Keyboard Troubleshooters

Since System Restore and update uninstall didn’t resolve the issue, my next steps were to run the built-in Windows troubleshooters. From an Administrator Command Prompt, I ran the Hardware Troubleshooter using the command “msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic“. I also went to Settings > Update & Security > Troubleshoot and ran the Keyboard troubleshooter. Unfortunately, neither found any issues.

Testing Software and Hardware

I attempted using the On-Screen Keyboard at Settings > Ease of Access to see if the software keyboard input worked. The On-Screen Keyboard exhibited the same problems as my physical keyboard. This suggested the issue was with the connection between the keyboard and PC rather than a hardware failure.

As recommended by Microsoft, I tried resetting the keyboard connection using the keyboard reset shortcut. I also attempted plugging the keyboard into different USB ports and eventually tried using a different USB keyboard. The connection issues persisted in all cases, pointing to a wider software or driver problem rather than just my original keyboard malfunctioning.

Driver Updates and Rollbacks

Going into Device Manager, I tried updating my keyboard driver automatically as well as uninstalling the driver completely so it would reinstall fresh. Neither approach resolved the problem.

Finally, as a last resort, I rolled back the driver to a previous version right before the issues started happening. After restarting my PC, my keyboard began working again! Rolling back the driver fixed the connectivity issues. I was able to start using my keyboard normally once more.

Why A Mouse Might Work But Not A Keyboard?

Mice and keyboards connect to your computer using USB, so you’d think if one device stops working, both would. However, the drivers for these devices function separately, which is why one can fail while the other keeps working. The USB port provides power to both devices, but the communication between the keyboard and the computer relies on the driver and can be disrupted even if the mouse continues to function properly.

Some common reasons why a USB keyboard may stop working but the mouse is fine include –

  • Outdated, corrupt, or missing keyboard driver
  • The USB selective suspend setting cuts power to the keyboard
  • Keyboard failure or malfunction
  • Issues with the USB port the keyboard is connected to

So even though they are both USB devices, glitches with the keyboard drivers or circuits can cause it to stop working on its own. The mouse using a separate driver is unaffected.

Steps to Fix a Non-Working USB Keyboard

If you’re having this issue, here are some steps to try to get your USB keyboard working again –

  • Reconnect the keyboard to your computer and restart
  • Try different USB ports
  • Check for driver issues in the Device Manager
  • Update, reinstall, or rollback the keyboard driver
  • Use a different keyboard to test if the original one failed
  • Check USB selective suspend settings in Power Options
  • Try the keyboard on a different computer to test if it’s a keyboard failure
  • Clean keyboard connections with compressed air

With some troubleshooting and testing different solutions, you should be able to get a non-responsive USB keyboard working again while leaving a properly functioning mouse connected.

End Note

This experience shows the importance of methodically troubleshooting keyboard problems and trying different solutions like System Restore, driver updates, and rollbacks. Even if some steps like Windows Update uninstalls don’t work, persevering and working through Microsoft’s recommended steps finally got my keyboard functioning again. Using keyboard reset shortcuts, testing on different USB ports, and comparing software vs hardware input also helped isolate the cause. Overall, patience and not giving up on bringing my unresponsive keyboard back to life was key.

Common Related Questions

  1. Why would a USB keyboard stop working but the mouse stays on?

The most common cause is an outdated or corrupted keyboard driver. The mouse uses a separate driver, so it is unaffected.

  1. Can low power over USB cause keyboard but not mouse failure?

Yes, if USB selective suspend is enabled in Power Options, the keyboard may intermittently lose power while the mouse continues working.

  1. My keyboard lights up but doesn’t type – what’s wrong?

This indicates the keyboard is getting power but has an issue with the data connection to the computer. It’s likely a driver or USB port problem.

  1. What should I do if uninstalling the keyboard driver doesn’t fix it?

Try downloading the latest driver directly from the manufacturer and manually installing it. Also, test the keyboard on another computer.

  1. Can peripheral hardware damage cause the keyboard to stop working?

Yes, damage to the keyboard circuits or connection can prevent it from communicating with the PC while leaving the mouse operational.

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