
Is Cyberpunk Better on Controller or Keyboard? | Ultimate Explanation

Cyberpunk is one of the popular games among the PC user and the console user. After launching Cyberpunk, a debate has arisen, that states, between the controller and keyboard, which one is better for playing Cyberpunk.

Well, it will depend. Both controller and keyboard have their own advantages and disadvantages. And in some scenarios, both the controller and keyboard are preferable. If are willing to play Cyberpunk and confused about choosing between a keyboard and controller, then this article can clear all of your confusion.

So, be with us till the end and find out which one you should use for playing Cyberpunk.

Is Cyberpunk Better on Controller or Keyboard

Is It Better to Play Cyberpunk on Keyboard or Controller? 

Basically, the choice varies from person to person. Some of them love to play Cyberpunk with their controller and some of them love to play with their keyboard and mouse. For example, if you are willing to play Cyberpunk as FPP (third-person perspective) then the keyboard is the best choice but when it comes to TPP (third-person perspective) then the controller is the missing piece of the puzzle. Now let’s find out when Cyberpunk on keyboard and mouse is better and it is better on the controller.

When Playing Cyberpunk is Better on Controller?

The main advantage of the controller is you can play games with ease. If you are willing to play Cyberpunk for a long time then the controller is the perfect one for you. You can lie down on your couch or resting on the bin bag while playing the game. 

Also, if you are willing to play TPP then the controller can give you a better experience. Besides these, you can control the movement of your character more precisely and driving is so fun while playing it on the controller.

Disadvantages of Playing Cyberpunk on Controller

The only drawback you will have while in combat. During it, the aiming is comparatively tough and doesn’t come as smooth while playing the game on the controller. And Cyberpunk is a combat-based game, and if you are not enjoying this then it’s a red flag for the controller.

When Playing Cyberpunk is Better on Keyboard?

To get a better FPP experience on Cyberpunk, you can blindly choose the keyboard over a controller. Especially, in combat, the mouse and keyboard can give you more support and for aiming, nothing can beat the mouse. With the mouse wheeler or keyboard switches, you can easily. 

So, for combat, a keyboard is far better than a controller.

Disadvantages of Playing Cyberpunk on Keyboard

There are a few disadvantages you will have while playing Cyberpunk on the keyboard.

  • You will face issues while controlling your character. A smooth movement can’t be achieved while playing on the keyboard.
  • You will have comfort issues. 

Our Verdict

According to our gamers, you should use both, the keyboard and controller while playing Cyberpunk. When you are in combat then switch to your keyboard and mouse. And when you are roaming around, walking, or driving, take your controller and enjoy Cyberpunk.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (FAQs)

Does Cyberpunk PC have aim assist?

Yes, Cyberpunk PC has aim-assist in three settings. These settings can be easily adjusted for ranged and melee combat.

Can I customize Cyberpunk controls more efficiently with a keyboard?

Yes, generally, the keyboard offers more customization options. And there you can have so many keys for assigning specific actions.

Can I control the camera better with the mouse in Cyberpunk?

Actually, you can control the game camera better with both control and mouse. In this case, they provide an equal response.


Lastly, if you want to enjoy Cyberpunk in full then use both controller and KBM aka keyboard and mouse. We hope, by now you have your answer and have chosen what you should use. While roaming around, take the console, and while in a serious mood, grab the KBM! Happy gaming! 

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