
[Fixed] Bluetooth Keyboard Not Recognized at Startup Mac

Suppose you’re all set to type away, and bam! — your Mac acts like it’s just met your Bluetooth keyboard for the first time. Yes, the daunting scenario of “Bluetooth keyboard not recognized at startup on a Mac” can be quite the morning coffee spoiler.

Now, while this hiccup is typically because of a temporary glitch or a sneaky setting gone rogue, it’s essential to remember that every tech issue comes with its set of solutions.

Curious to know what might be causing this and how to fix it? Stick around as we dive into the heart of the problem and unveil the steps to ensure your keyboard and Mac are on speaking terms every time you boot up.

Bluetooth Keyboard Not Recognized at Startup on Mac

Why Bluetooth Keyboard Is Not Recognizing on Mac at Startup?

There are a number of reasons why your Bluetooth keyboard is not recognizing at startup on Mac. Here are the most common ones:

  1. Built-in Functionality of macOS: During the login phase, macOS doesn’t initiate the low-energy driver. As a result, Bluetooth devices, with the occasional exception of Apple accessories, frequently don’t function at the beginning of the startup process.
  2. Bluetooth Interference: Other devices, such as phones, microwaves, or wireless gadgets, could interfere with your Bluetooth keyboard’s signals. It’s a digital traffic jam, so to speak.
  3. Outdated Software: Just like how some of us feel lost without the latest fashion, our devices can feel “not so cool” without the latest software updates. Outdated MacOS or keyboard firmware can lead to connectivity issues.
  4. Battery Blues: “Low energy” doesn’t only affect us after a Netflix binge. Your keyboard might simply be low on juice, causing erratic behavior.
  5. Hardware Hiccups: It’s possible that there’s a physical issue either with the keyboard or your Mac’s Bluetooth module.

How to Fix the Bluetooth Keyboard Not Recognizing at Startup Issue on Mac?

Alright, put on your tech-wizard hat, and let’s dive into the solutions. Remember, every problem has a way out, even if it’s about teaching a keyboard and a Mac to play nice!

Solution 1: Check Battery Levels

Step 1: Turn the keyboard upside down. Usually, there’s an indicator light or a small button.

Step 2: If there’s no light, it’s probably out of charge. For keyboards with a button, press it. If there’s no light or it’s blinking slowly, time to charge.

Recharge Your Keyboar

Step 3: Connect your keyboard to a power source using its designated charging cable. Wait until it’s fully charged before trying again.

Solution 2: Reset Bluetooth on the Mac

Step 1: Click on the Apple logo on the top left of your screen.

Step 2: Navigate to System Preferences > Bluetooth.

Reset Bluetooth on the Ma

Step 3: Turn off the Bluetooth and wait for about 30 seconds.

Step 4: Turn it back on and check if your keyboard connects.

Solution 3: Update MacOS and Keyboard Firmware

Keep your devices updated. Think of it as a spa day for them. They come out refreshed and more cooperative.

Step 1: Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Software Update. If there’s an update available, download and install.

Update MacO

Step 2: For your keyboard, visit the manufacturer’s website to see if there are any firmware updates available. Follow their guidelines for updating.

Solution 4: Remove and Reconnect

Delete the keyboard from the list of Bluetooth devices on your Mac and reconnect it. This often rekindles their relationship.

Step 1: Head to System Preferences > Bluetooth.

Step 2: Find your keyboard on the list of devices, right-click, and select “Remove.”

Remove and Reconnect Keyboard

Step 3: After removal, set your keyboard to pairing mode (usually by pressing and holding the power or connect button).

Step 4: On your Mac, select the keyboard from the list and click “Connect.”

Solution 5: Physical Inspection

Make sure there’s no visible damage to the keyboard. If you spilled coffee during that heated argument on a Zoom call, well… that could be a problem.

Step 1: Examine the keyboard for any visible damages, especially around the Bluetooth and power areas.

Step 2: Make sure there are no obstructions around the keys or in the charging port.

Step 3: If your keyboard uses replaceable batteries, ensure they’re inserted correctly.

After this, the Bluetooth keyboard connectivity issue with mac at startup will be resolved.

NOTE: If nothing works, the macOS version you use may not support or load the low-energy driver at the login stage. In that case, you either have to use a USB dongle or if your device does not support any, then have to use a different device.


Every relationship has its ups and downs, and the one between your Mac and Bluetooth keyboard is no exception. But, with a little patience and the steps mentioned above, you can rekindle their digital love affair. Remember, it’s always about understanding and compromise (even in tech relationships). So, next time there’s a glitch, take a deep breath and dive in with confidence. Got any more questions or maybe some tech love stories to share? Feel free to comment below. Happy typing, and may your tech always be in sync!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my keyboard’s battery draining so fast?

Rapid battery drain can be due to extensive usage or a malfunctioning battery. Ensure you’re using recommended battery brands and check for potential hardware issues.

Can other wireless devices interfere with my Bluetooth keyboard’s connection?

Yes, devices like cordless phones, microwaves, or other wireless gadgets can cause interference. It’s always good to minimize electronic clutter.

Should I always keep my MacOS updated for best performance?

Absolutely! Regular updates not only provide new features but also patch any known issues, ensuring smooth operation.

How far should my Bluetooth keyboard be from my Mac for optimal connection?

While Bluetooth keyboards have a decent range, it’s recommended to keep it within 30 feet of your Mac for a consistent connection.

Is it harmful to reset my Mac’s Bluetooth settings frequently?

No, resetting Bluetooth settings is safe. However, frequent resets might indicate an underlying issue that needs addressing.

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