Ubuntu Keyboard Not Working: What to Do?

Ubuntu Keyboard Not Working: What to Do?

I know firsthand how frustrating it can be when your keyboard stops working on your Ubuntu system. I’ve experienced this issue and successfully resolved it, so I understand the frustration it can cause. If you’re currently dealing with a non-responsive keyboard in Ubuntu, don’t worry; I’ve been there too.  Hardware Connectivity Issues, such as a…

My USB Keyboard Not Working But Mouse Does – Here’s How I Fixed It

My USB Keyboard Not Working But Mouse Does – Here’s How I Fixed It

The other day I ran into a frustrating issue – my USB keyboard suddenly stopped working, but my USB mouse continued to work normally. I rely on my keyboard for everything I do on my computer, so having it go dead was a big problem. After some troubleshooting, I was able to get my keyboard…

Virtualbox Keyboard Not Working: Troubleshooting Keyboard Issues in Virtual Machines

Virtualbox Keyboard Not Working: Troubleshooting Keyboard Issues in Virtual Machines

Using virtual machines is a great way to test out different operating systems and software programs. However, technical issues can arise when using virtualization software like VirtualBox. One common problem is the keyboard in the virtual machine suddenly stops working, leaving you unable to control the VM. In this comprehensive guide, I will provide solutions…

Perixx Keyboard Not Working: Let’s Fix This

Perixx Keyboard Not Working: Let’s Fix This

I’ve been using a Perixx keyboard for quite some time now, and it has been my trusted companion for both work and play. However, like any electronic device, keyboards can encounter issues, and one common problem that users may face is the Perixx keyboard not working. Loose USB connections and outdated drivers are often the…

Laptop Keyboard Not Working After Drop

Laptop Keyboard Not Working After Drop

Dropping your laptop can be disheartening, especially when it causes damage that makes it difficult or impossible to use the keyboard. A non-working keyboard poses problems for both productivity and communication. Thankfully, several troubleshooting steps may restore keyboard function after a laptop drops. Laptop drops occur more often than one might think. A survey in…

Mouse without Borders Keyboard Not Working

Mouse without Borders Keyboard Not Working

As someone who frequently uses Mouse without Borders to control multiple computers, nothing is more annoying than when the keyboard stops functioning properly. Despite moving the cursor seamlessly between devices, my keystrokes and shortcuts simply don’t register on the controlled PC. This effectively renders the nifty productivity app useless. After trial and error, I discovered…

Panasonic Toughbook Function Key Stuck On

Panasonic Toughbook Function Key Stuck On

Panasonic Toughbooks live up to their name as rugged, durable laptops built to withstand challenging environments. But like any laptop, wear and tear over time can lead to issues like stuck function keys. Toughbooks feature a row of dedicated function keys (F1-F12) allowing quick access to hardware features like brightness, volume, and wireless radios. A…